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BAST Training

premenstrual voice

Singing and the premenstrual voice

How does menstruation impact a singer’s voice? Alexa Terry and Line Hilton explore how monthly hormonal changes can influence vocal performance.

Singing and long Covid

Latest Covid-19 advice and guidance

With lockdown slowly easing, the rules around teaching are changing too. Here’s a rundown of the latest Covid-19 advice.

World Voice Day 2021

World Voice Day 2021

Don’t forget that it’s World Voice Day later this month, a chance for singing teachers and other voice specialists to spread the word about vocal care.

David Valks

How to start a singing school

David Valks went from working in the recruitment industry to starting his own singing school. Read on for his tips on marketing, pricing and bookings.

Singing and long covid

Can singing help people living with ‘long Covid’?

Can choir leaders use Singing for Lung Health strategies to help people with long Covid? Musical director Juliet Russell explored this question in a singing project with Covid ‘long haulers’.

Fight Covid-19 fatigue

Stay strong and #fightthefatigue

Singing teachers are being urged to take stock of their mental health and to check in with their colleagues as part of the #fightthefatigue campaign.

Improve your website

Three tips to help improve your website

Many singers start their search for a vocal coach by browsing online, so it’s crucial that your website is up-to-date and shows you at your best. Here are three tips to improve your website.

Courses for singing teachers

Courses and workshops for singing teachers

Here’s a list of courses, workshops and conferences to help singing teachers continue their professional development and sharpen their business skills.

Laryngeal nerves

The Laryngeal Nerves

Alexa Terry and Line Hilton look at the laryngeal nerves and the role they play in voice production. The nervous system is a two-way information highway delivering messages from the brain to different parts of the body and from the… Read More »The Laryngeal Nerves