
Ep.30 Clearing the Brain Fog with John Henny, Covid-19, Acoustics, Passive Income, and ‘The Teaching Triangle.’

Internationally renowned leading voice teacher John Henny joins host Alexa Terry on this episode of Singing Teachers Talk. Hear all about John’s Covid scare and the brain fog that comes along with it. Join the discussion on acoustics, passive income,… Read More »Ep.30 Clearing the Brain Fog with John Henny, Covid-19, Acoustics, Passive Income, and ‘The Teaching Triangle.’

Ep.29 How to ask a singer those awkward health questions with Line Hilton

This week on Singing Teachers Talk, host Line Hilton will be talking to you about asking those awkward health questions, what questions we need to ask, why we need to ask them, and how we should go about doing it.


  • It’s important to get the background health history of someone’s voice so you know what it’s capable of and how long it might last.
  • Remember to be up to date with your GDPR procedures when storing any information about students and avoid having handwritten notes.
  • One of the most important things to know is about any previous spinal issues and any injuries that can affect the voice, they should be taken into account.
  • Medicines such as steroids can weaken the epithelial. Female oral contraception can affect the singing voice to, so it is worth asking about these specifically.
  • Explain why you’re asking about their health history and ask if there is any medical issues or medicines that you should know about. Once this is disclosed then you should ask follow-up questions that can help inform your knowledge of their condition to get a better framework.
  • One of Line’s top tips is to create a form to be completed in advance. This will also help with spellings of conditions of medications.


‘Mitigate the side effects and optimise vocal health’ 


Vocal Health Education: vocalhealth.co.uk

National Center for Voice and Speech Medications and the voice: ncvs.org/rx_generic_name.php

Jotform: eu.jotform.com

Dropbox: dropbox.com

Laryngeal Endoscopy & Voice Therapy by Sue M Jones: comptonpublishing.co.uk/laryngeal-endoscopy-and-voice-therapy.php

Vocal Health And Pedagogy Ed. by Robert T. Sataloff: amazon.co.uk/Vocal-Health-Pedagogy-Assessment-Treatment/dp/1597568600

Singing Voice Rehabilitation Karen Wicklund: amazon.com/Singing-Voice-Rehabilitation-Speech-Language-Pathologist/dp/143543854X

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