Singing and the premenstrual voice
How does menstruation impact a singer’s voice? Alexa Terry and Line Hilton explore how monthly hormonal changes can influence vocal performance.
How does menstruation impact a singer’s voice? Alexa Terry and Line Hilton explore how monthly hormonal changes can influence vocal performance.
Don’t forget that it’s World Voice Day later this month, a chance for singing teachers and other voice specialists to spread the word about vocal care.
In our latest BAST case study, Alexa Terry looks at strategies for teaching elite singers and explains that even the most polished performer can benefit from singing lessons.
What is a Vocal Health First Aider (VHFA), and how can you become one? Alexa Terry, a proud VHFA herself, explains.
How can a singing teacher support a student recovering from Covid-19? Singer and vocal coach Sarah Nixey, who is managing her own vocal recovery after a serious brush with the virus, shares her tips. While our understanding of Covid-19 has… Read More »Tips for teaching a student who’s had Covid-19
When a student is under the weather or out of sorts, what’s a singing teacher to do? Alexa Terry shares eight tips on providing useful singing lessons – without any singing. Imagine this: Cora Collins, a recent musical theatre graduate,… Read More »How to adapt a singing lesson if a student feels below par
Some vocal coaches and voice scientists claim Vocalzone pastilles do more harm than good. But is there actually any science to back this view up? Alexa Terry, aided by Line Hilton, went looking for answers. Here’s what they found. When… Read More »Vocalzone, saviours or destroyers?
You suspect a student has a severe vocal problem and needs to see an ENT. How do you break the news? Alexa Terry explores ways to approach difficult conversations with empathy and professionalism. As vocal coaches, there is a first… Read More »How to tell a singer they need to see an ENT
US-based singer, vocologist and vocal coach Mindy Pack is the driving force behind The Voice Straw, a vocal training tool for singers. The product – a sleek collection of stainless steel straws of differing diameters presented in a neat velvet… Read More »Vocal coach Mindy Pack explains The Voice Straw
BAST’s Alexa Terry review’s the latest book from respected laryngologist Dr Reena Gupta. Sam Smith, Adele, Wilma the kindergarten teacher, Caissie Levy, George Salazar, Bob from the local amateur dramatics society, and Natalie Dessay – all voice users of different… Read More »The OHNI Voice Book: Straight Talk with Dr Reena Gupta