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The vocal fold layers

The Vocal Fold Layers

Alexa Terry takes a closer look at the vocal fold layers and the role they play in singing. Before we take a deep dive into the anatomy of the vocal fold layers, here’s a little brainteaser for you vocal nerds. … Read More »The Vocal Fold Layers

ear training for beginners

Ear training for beginners

Ear training is a great way to help singers with pitching issues. Top vocal coach Nerissa Campbell shares her tips on how to get started with beginners. As an experienced vocal coach, New York-based Nerissa Campbell has helped many students improve their pitch.… Read More »Ear training for beginners

The hyoid bone

The Hyoid Bone

BAST’s Alexa Terry takes a closer look at the hyoid bone, otherwise known as ‘the singing bone’.   “Clarifying, understanding and organising oneself around the hyoid bone… has amazing and profound effects on many things within the vocal mechanism, but… Read More »The Hyoid Bone